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Before You Start

Welcome to Solid Concrete Walls!

First off, congratulations on your successful employment with us.  We’re excited to have you aboard.  We hope your employment with SCW will be fulfilling and rewarding.

You’ll be expected to go through our training videos over the next couple weeks.  Training is split into courses, each covering different areas of information you’ll need to know working at SCW.  Courses are set up for you to be able to complete an entire course of training in a single day.  Each course is divided into units which each consist of a video and a quiz covering a relevant topic for the course.

Each video is between 3-10 minutes.  After you finish watching the video, you can continue on to the quiz portion of the unit by pressing the “Start Quiz” button.  Quizzes are 5 questions, and depending on the quiz a 20- 30 minute time limit has been set to complete the quiz.  After selecting the final answer on the quiz, press the “Submit Quiz” button to get graded on your quiz.  You can then select to Check Results, which will show you which questions you’ve gotten wrong, their answers and an explanation to the question.  You can then continue on to the next unit, or select the unit from the Course Outline area in order to retake the quiz.  You can retake the quiz up to 3 times before it locks, then an instructor will have to reset it for you and will help you with any questions you don’t understand.

At completion of the course, you will receive a final grade.  DO NOT select to complete the course if you still have quizzes you would like to retake.  An administrator will need to change the course status back to incomplete if you’ve selected to complete the course but still want to retake quizzes.

Good luck!  We’re excited to start working with you.

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